Our Staff Shares Their New Year’s Gratitude
Thanksgiving may be the holiday most closely associated with gratitude — but here at Pacific Terrace, we believe in giving thanks all year long, and especially when the year is coming to a close. Since New Year’s Eve is just weeks away, we’ve reached out to staff members and asked for them to share some things they’re grateful for. Below, we share their responses.
Kira, Special Amenities
For Kira, she is most grateful for her current job and the “wonderful, charismatic” co-workers, who “feel like family.” She tells us, “I am grateful to work at Pacific Terrace” and “lucky that I get to make a contribution each day.” Kira is graduating from Point Loma University in May and is also grateful for her extraordinary four year experience at such a great school!
Ryan, Bell Captain
When asked, Ryan’s answer focuses on destinations, specifically San Diego. He is thankful to live in a beach community and also enjoys be able to view the ocean each day while at work. Ryan is also grateful to have “the ability to travel and explore new places” around the world as he recently traveled Europe.
Lili, Assistant Manager of Housekeeping
Lili, when ask what she is most grateful for, expressed gratitude for her own health and that of her daughter, who has recently recovered from illness — as well as her “wonderful and loving” family in general. Lili is also grateful to her amazing housekeeping team at the Pacific Terrace whom is her second family.
Carly, Front Office Supervisor
Carly echoes Ryan and Lili in expressing gratitude to have nearby friends and family and a San Diego home near the beach. She is also grateful to be able to come in contact with so many people each day that arrive at the Pacific Terrace, many whom have been here before.
Martin, Engineering Supervisor
Like Carly,Martin loves being near the beach each day. Having recently moved from Los Angeles, he’s grateful “each day to walk outside and see the ocean,” and enjoy the city’s “wonderful environment.” Martin is also grateful for his wife, son and his puppy!