How to Build a World-Class Sand Castle
(Photo: Unsplash.)
We’re dishing out all the best tips and tricks from the pros on how to make your sandcastle truly award winning or at least be able to hold your own at the annual Sand Sculpting Competition.
Once you have decided on the subject of your masterpiece, (a modest castle, stately multi-level palace, or whatever suits you), it is time to sculpt. Gathering sand sculpting tools is important so check out one of our sandcastle kits at Guest Services, or you can go with just the basics-a pail and shovel! Planning your castle before construction, such as drawing an outline in the sand, can ensure that everyone involved knows where they are building what. Once you’ve drawn your blueprint and acquired the necessary equipment, time to start digging! Be creative, use your imagination! Construct ledges and balconies, carve tiny windows and install a moat to protect your sandcastle.
If you’re a sandcastle aficionado, be sure to plan your stay during Labor Day weekend and head over to the annual Sand Sculpting competition held at the Broadway Pier. Professional sand sculptors from all over the world will come to construct impressive masterpieces. Live entertainment and gourmet food trucks will add to the festivities. Plus, there will be opportunities to talk shop with sand sculpting professionals, and even pick up a few tips and tricks to make your next sandcastle endeavor a success.